[code]sub bowcraft() VAR Sunduk = '0x404B4272' ; Sunduk VAR Shafts = '0x1BD4' ; tip shaftov VAR Feather = '0x1BD1' ; tip perjev VAR Arrows = '0x0F3F' ; tip strel VAR Kolvo = 1 ; Bratj shaftov dlja krafta VAR k = 0, j UO.CancelMenu() UO.AutoMenu ('Select arrow type', 'arrow' ) While TRUE If UO.Count( Shafts ) == 0 Then UO.FindType( Shafts, -1, Sunduk ) If UO.FindCount() == 0 Then UO.Print("Shafts not found, script terminated") return Endif UO.Grab( Str( Kolvo ), 'finditem' ) wait(500) while UO.Count( Shafts ) < Kolvo wait(100) wend CheckLag() Endif If UO.Count( Feather ) == 0 Then UO.FindType( Feather, -1, Sunduk ) If UO.FindCount() == 0 Then UO.Print("Feather not found, script terminated") return Endif UO.Grab( Str( Kolvo ), 'finditem' ) wait(500) while UO.Count( Feather ) < Kolvo wait(100) wend CheckLag() Endif UO.DeleteJournal() UO.UseType( Shafts ) k = 0 while NOT UO.InJournal('You put') AND NOT UO.InJournal('fail') AND ( k < 50 ) k = k + 1 wait(300) wend If UO.Count( Arrows ) > 0 then UO.FindType( Arrows, -1, -1 ) UO.MoveItem( 'finditem', 0, Sunduk ) wait(500) while UO.Count( Arrows ) > 0 wait(100) wend UO.Print( 'Arrows moved' ) Endif Wend end sub [/code]