## к скрипту Inscription var BlankType='0x0E34' ## - тип пустого свитка var BlankNumber=100 ## - количество свитков, забираемое из сундука за раз var BlankMinNumber=0 ## - минимальное количество свитков, которое надо оставить в сундуке var DoEating=1 ## 1 - включить потребление еды, 0 - отключить. var FoodType='0x097B' ## - тип еды, которую будем есть (fish steaks). var BagType='0x0E76' ## - тип мешка для складывания вещей var MaxWeight=700 ## - максимальный вес в рюкзаке var MaxNumber=500 ## - максимальное количество делаемых вещей в рюкзаке и для заполнения одного мешка var Reconnect=0 ## 1 - Включить реконнект на сервер, если выкинет, 0 - отключить реконнект. var UseBags=0 ## 1 - Использовать раскладывание делаемых свитков по мешкам var UseHide=1 ## 1 - включить уход в хайд во время крафта, 0 - отключить var UseHeal=1 ## 1 - включить лечение во время крафта, если здоровье падает, 0 - отключить ## бинты должны при этом лежать в рюкзаке
############################################################################################ ### Код скрипта ### ###################
sub Clumsy() Inscription("0x0F7B", "0x0F88", "", "", "First Circle", "Spell Circle 1", "Clumsy", "0x1F2E", 6) end sub
sub CreateFood() Inscription("0x0F84", "0x0F85", "0x0F86", "", "First Circle", "Spell Circle 1", "Create Food", "0x1F2F", 6) end sub
sub Feeblemind() Inscription("0x0F85", "0x0F88", "", "", "First Circle", "Spell Circle 1", "Feeblemind", "0x1F30", 6) end sub
sub Heal() Inscription("0x0F84", "0x0F85", "0x0F8D", "", "First Circle", "Spell Circle 1", "Heal", "0x1F31", 6) end sub
sub MagicArrow() Inscription("0x0F7A", "0x0F88", "", "", "First Circle", "Spell Circle 1", "Magic Arrow", "0x1F32", 6) end sub
sub NightSight() Inscription("0x0F8D", "0x0F8C", "", "", "First Circle", "Spell Circle 1", "Night Sight", "0x1F33", 6) end sub
sub ReactiveArmor() Inscription("0x0F84", "0x0F8C", "0x0F8D", "", "First Circle", "Spell Circle 1", "Reactive Armor", "0x1F2D", 6) end sub
sub Weaken() Inscription("0x0F84", "0x0F88", "", "", "First Circle", "Spell Circle 1", "Weaken", "0x1F34", 6) end sub
sub Agility() Inscription("0x0F7B", "0x0F86", "", "", "Second Circle", "Spell Circle 2", "Agility", "0x1F35", 10) end sub
sub Cunning() Inscription("0x0F86", "0x0F88", "", "", "Second Circle", "Spell Circle 2", "Cunning", "0x1F36", 10) end sub
sub Cure() Inscription("0x0F84", "0x0F85", "", "", "Second Circle", "Spell Circle 2", "Cure", "0x1F37", 10) end sub
sub Harm() Inscription("0x0F88", "0x0F8D", "", "", "Second Circle", "Spell Circle 2", "Harm", "0x1F38", 10) end sub
sub MagicTrap() Inscription("0x0F84", "0x0F8C", "0x0F8D", "", "Second Circle", "Spell Circle 2", "Magic Trap", "0x1F39", 10) end sub
sub MagicUntrap() Inscription("0x0F84", "0x0F85", "0x0F8C", "", "Second Circle", "Spell Circle 2", "Magic Untrap", "0x1F3A", 10) end sub
sub Protection() Inscription("0x0F84", "0x0F85", "0x0F8C", "", "Second Circle", "Spell Circle 2", "Protection", "0x1F3B", 10) end sub
sub Strength() Inscription("0x0F86", "0x0F88", "", "", "Second Circle", "Spell Circle 2", "Strength", "0x1F3C", 10) end sub
sub Bless() Inscription("0x0F84", "0x0F86", "", "", "Third Circle", "Spell Circle 3", "Bless", "0x1F3D", 15) end sub
sub Fireball() Inscription("0x0F7A", "0x0F8C", "", "", "Third Circle", "Spell Circle 3", "Fireball", "0x1F3E", 15) end sub
sub MagicLock() Inscription("0x0F8C", "0x0F7B", "0x0F84", "", "Third Circle", "Spell Circle 3", "Magic Lock", "0x1F3F", 15) end sub
sub Poison() Inscription("0x0F88", "", "", "", "Third Circle", "Spell Circle 3", "Poison", "0x1F40", 15) end sub
sub Telekinisis() Inscription("0x0F7B", "0x0F86", "", "", "Third Circle", "Spell Circle 3", "Telekinisis", "0x1F41", 15) end sub
sub Teleport() Inscription("0x0F7B", "0x0F86", "", "", "Third Circle", "Spell Circle 3", "Teleport", "0x1F42", 15) end sub
sub Unlock() Inscription("0x0F7B", "0x0F84", "", "", "Third Circle", "Spell Circle 3", "Unlock", "0x1F43", 15) end sub
sub WallOfStone() Inscription("0x0F7B", "0x0F84", "", "", "Third Circle", "Spell Circle 3", "Wall of Stone", "0x1F44", 15) end sub
sub ArchCure() Inscription("0x0F84", "0x0F85", "0x0F86", "", "Fourth Circle", "Spell Circle 4", "Archcure", "0x1F45", 25) end sub
sub ArchProtection() Inscription("0x0F84", "0x0F85", "0x0F86", "0x0F8C", "Fourth Circle", "Spell Circle 4", "Arch Protection", "0x1F46", 25) end sub
sub Curse() Inscription("0x0F84", "0x0F88", "0x0F8C", "", "Fourth Circle", "Spell Circle 4", "Curse", "0x1F47", 25) end sub
sub FireField() Inscription("0x0F7A", "0x0F8D", "0x0F8C", "", "Fourth Circle", "Spell Circle 4", "Fire Field", "0x1F48", 25) end sub
sub GreaterHeal() Inscription("0x0F84", "0x0F85", "0x0F86", "0x0F8D", "Fourth Circle", "Spell Circle 4", "Greater Heal", "0x1F49", 25) end sub
sub Lightning() Inscription("0x0F7A", "0x0F86", "0x0F8C", "", "Fourth Circle", "Spell Circle 4", "Lightning", "0x1F4A", 25) end sub
sub ManaDrain() Inscription("0x0F7A", "0x0F86", "0x0F8D", "", "Fourth Circle", "Spell Circle 4", "ManaDrain", "0x1F4B", 25) end sub
sub Recall() Inscription("0x0F7A", "0x0F7B", "0x0F86", "", "Fourth Circle", "Spell Circle 4", "Recall", "0x1F4C", 25) end sub
sub BladeSpirits() Inscription("0x0F7A", "0x0F86", "0x0F88", "", "Fifth Circle", "Spell Circle 5", "Blade Spirits", "0x1F4D", 30) end sub
sub DispelField() Inscription("0x0F84", "0x0F7A", "0x0F8D", "0x0F8C", "Fifth Circle", "Spell Circle 5", "Dispel Field", "0x1F4E", 30) end sub
sub Incognito() Inscription("0x0F7B", "0x0F84", "0x0F88", "", "Fifth Circle", "Spell Circle 5", "Incognito", "0x1F4F", 30) end sub
sub MagicReflection() Inscription("0x0F84", "0x0F86", "0x0F8D", "", "Fifth Circle", "Spell Circle 5", "Magic Reflection", "0x1F50", 30) end sub
sub MindBlast() Inscription("0x0F7A", "0x0F86", "0x0F88", "0x0F8C", "Fifth Circle", "Spell Circle 5", "Mind Blast", "0x1F51", 30) end sub
sub Paralyze() Inscription("0x0F84", "0x0F86", "0x0F8D", "", "Fifth Circle", "Spell Circle 5", "Paralyze", "0x1F52", 30) end sub
sub PoisonField() Inscription("0x0F7A", "0x0F88", "0x0F8D", "", "Fifth Circle", "Spell Circle 5", "Poison Field", "0x1F53", 30) end sub
sub Summ.Creature() Inscription("0x0F7B", "0x0F86", "0x0F8D", "", "Fifth Circle", "Spell Circle 5", "Summon Creature", "0x1F54", 30) end sub
sub Dispel() Inscription("0x0F84", "0x0F86", "0x0F8C", "", "Sixth Circle", "Spell Circle 6", "Dispel", "0x1F55", 35) end sub
sub EnergyBolt() Inscription("0x0F7A", "0x0F88", "", "", "Sixth Circle", "Spell Circle 6", "Energy Bolt", "0x1F56", 35) end sub
sub Explosion() Inscription("0x0F7A", "0x0F86", "0x0F8C", "", "Sixth Circle", "Spell Circle 6", "Explosion", "0x1F57", 35) end sub
sub Invisibility() Inscription("0x0F7B", "0x0F88", "", "", "Sixth Circle", "Spell Circle 6", "Invisibility", "0x1F58", 35) end sub
sub Mark() Inscription("0x0F7A", "0x0F7B", "0x0F86", "", "Sixth Circle", "Spell Circle 6", "Mark", "0x1F59", 35) end sub
sub MassCurse() Inscription("0x0F84", "0x0F86", "0x0F88", "0x0F8C", "Sixth Circle", "Spell Circle 6", "Mass Curse", "0x1F5A", 35) end sub
sub ParalyzeField() Inscription("0x0F7A", "0x0F85", "0x0F8D", "", "Sixth Circle", "Spell Circle 6", "Paralyze Field", "0x1F5B", 35) end sub
sub Reveal() Inscription("0x0F7B", "0x0F8C", "", "", "Sixth Circle", "Spell Circle 6", "Reveal", "0x1F5C", 35) end sub
sub ChainLightning() Inscription("0x0F7A", "0x0F86", "0x0F7B", "0x0F8C", "Seventh Circle", "Spell Circle 7", "Chain Lightning", "0x1F5D", 40) end sub
sub EnergyField() Inscription("0x0F7A", "0x0F86", "0x0F8D", "0x0F8C", "Seventh Circle", "Spell Circle 7", "Energy Field", "0x1F5E", 40) end sub
sub FlameStrike() Inscription("0x0F8D", "0x0F8C", "", "", "Seventh Circle", "Spell Circle 7", "Flamestrike", "0x1F5F", 40) end sub
sub GateTravel() Inscription("0x0F7A", "0x0F86", "0x0F8C", "", "Seventh Circle", "Spell Circle 7", "Gate Travel", "0x1F60", 40) end sub
sub ManaVampire() Inscription("0x0F7A", "0x0F7B", "0x0F86", "0x0F8D", "Seventh Circle", "Spell Circle 7", "Mana Vampire", "0x1F61", 40) end sub
sub MassDispel() Inscription("0x0F7A", "0x0F84", "0x0F86", "0x0F8C", "Seventh Circle", "Spell Circle 7", "Mass Dispel", "0x1F62", 40) end sub
sub MeteorSwarm() Inscription("0x0F7B", "0x0F8D", "0x0F86", "0x0F8C", "Seventh Circle", "Spell Circle 7", "Meteor Storm", "0x1F63", 40) end sub
sub Polymorph() Inscription("0x0F7B", "0x0F86", "0x0F8D", "", "Seventh Circle", "Spell Circle 7", "Polymorph", "0x1F64", 40) end sub
sub Earthquake() Inscription("0x0F7B", "0x0F85", "0x0F86", "0x0F8C", "Eighth Circle", "Spell Circle 8", "Earthquake", "0x1F65", 50) end sub
sub EnergyVortex() Inscription("0x0F7A", "0x0F7B", "0x0F86", "0x0F88", "Eighth Circle", "Spell Circle 8", "Energy Vortex", "0x1F66", 50) end sub
sub Resurrection() Inscription("0x0F7B", "0x0F84", "0x0F85", "", "Eighth Circle", "Spell Circle 8", "Resurrection", "0x1F67", 50) end sub
sub AirElemental() Inscription("0x0F7B", "0x0F86", "0x0F8D", "", "Eighth Circle", "Spell Circle 8", "Air Elemental", "0x1F68", 50) end sub
sub SummonDaemon() Inscription("0x0F7B", "0x0F86", "0x0F8D", "0x0F8C", "Eighth Circle", "Spell Circle 8", "Summon Daemon", "0x1F69", 50) end sub
sub EarthElemental() Inscription("0x0F7B", "0x0F86", "0x0F8D", "", "Eighth Circle", "Spell Circle 8", "Earth Elemental", "0x1F6A", 50) end sub
sub FireElemental() Inscription("0x0F7B", "0x0F86", "0x0F8D", "0x0F8C", "Eighth Circle", "Spell Circle 8", "Fire Elemenal", "0x1F6B", 50) end sub
sub WaterElemental() Inscription("0x0F7B", "0x0F86", "0x0F8D", "", "Eighth Circle", "Spell Circle 8", "Water Elememental", "0x1F6C", 50) end sub
############################################################################################ ### Процедуры поддержки ### ###########################
Sub Inscription(regi1, regi2, regi3, regi4, circle1, circle2, spell, scrolls, mana)
var Exit, AllExit=0, CExit=0, k, findnumber var CurrentBag var BlankInChest var tmp
while (Exit==0) and (CExit==0) if UseHeal == 1 then ToHeal() endif if UseHide == 1 then ToHide() endif
CheckLag() uo.findtype(BlankType,'0x0000','ChestFrom') wait(100) if (uo.findcount()<=0) or (uo.GetQuantity('finditem')<0) then BlankInChest=0 else BlankInChest=uo.GetQuantity('finditem') endif
CheckLag() uo.findtype(BlankType,'0x0000',uo.GetSerial('backpack')) wait(100) if (uo.findcount()<=0) or (uo.GetQuantity('finditem')<1) then if (BlankInChest-BlankMinNumber)<BlankNumber then MoveItems(BlankType,'0x0000',str((BlankInChest-BlankMinNumber),0),'ChestFrom',uo.GetSerial('backpack')) else MoveItems(BlankType,'0x0000',str(BlankNumber,0),'ChestFrom',uo.GetSerial('backpack')) endif endif
if regi1<>'' then CheckLag() wait(100) uo.findtype(regi1,'0x0000',uo.GetSerial('backpack')) if (uo.findcount()<=0) or (uo.GetQuantity('finditem')<1) then MoveItems(regi1,'0x0000',str(BlankNumber,0),'ChestFrom2',uo.GetSerial('backpack')) endif endif
if regi2<>'' then CheckLag() uo.findtype(regi2,'0x0000',uo.GetSerial('backpack')) wait(100) if (uo.findcount()<=0) or (uo.GetQuantity('finditem')<1) then MoveItems(regi2,'0x0000',str(BlankNumber,0),'ChestFrom2',uo.GetSerial('backpack')) endif endif
if regi3<>'' then CheckLag() uo.findtype(regi3,'0x0000',uo.GetSerial('backpack')) wait(100) if (uo.findcount()<=0) or (uo.GetQuantity('finditem')<1) then MoveItems(regi3,'0x0000',str(BlankNumber,0),'ChestFrom2',uo.GetSerial('backpack')) endif endif
if regi4<>'' then CheckLag() uo.findtype(regi4,'0x0000',uo.GetSerial('backpack')) wait(100) if (uo.findcount()<=0) or (uo.GetQuantity('finditem')<1) then MoveItems(regi4,'0x0000',str(BlankNumber,0),'ChestFrom2',uo.GetSerial('backpack')) endif endif
CheckLag() if (uo.Count(BlankType)<=0) or ((BlankInChest-BlankMinNumber)<BlankNumber) then uo.Print('Скрипт работу заканчивает') Exit=1 AllExit=1 endif if (regi1<>'') then if (uo.Count(regi1)<=0) and (AllExit<>1) then uo.Print('Скрипт работу заканчивает') Exit=1 AllExit=1 endif endif if (regi2<>'') then if (uo.Count(regi2)<=0) and (AllExit<>1) then uo.Print('Скрипт работу заканчивает') Exit=1 AllExit=1 endif endif if (regi3<>'') then if (uo.Count(regi3)<=0) and (AllExit<>1) then uo.Print('Скрипт работу заканчивает') Exit=1 AllExit=1 endif endif if (regi4<>'') then if (uo.Count(regi4)<=0) and (AllExit<>1) then uo.Print('Скрипт работу заканчивает') Exit=1 AllExit=1 endif endif
if uo.Mana<mana then While UO.Mana<UO.INT UO.UseSkill('Meditation') k=0 Repeat k=k+1 Wait(100) Until UO.InJournal("You are") or UO.InJournal("You lose") or k>200 UO.DeleteJournal() Wend endif
if AllExit<>1 then k=0 uo.DeleteJournal() CheckLag() UO.UseType(BlankType, '0x0000') while not UO.InJournal('You put') and not UO.InJournal('fail') and (k<200) wait(100) k=k+1 wend if (uo.Weight>=MaxWeight) or (uo.Count(Scrolls)>=MaxNumber) then Exit=1 endif endif wend
if CExit==0 then CheckLag() MoveItems(Scrolls,'0x0000','0',uo.GetSerial('backpack'),CurrentBag)
if (UseBags==1) then CheckLag() uo.SetReceivingContainer('ChestTo') uo.Grab('0',CurrentBag) wait(1000) uo.UnSetReceivingContainer('ChestTo') endif endif
if DoEating==1 then CheckLag() Eating() endif wait(3000) wend
uo.Print('Скрипт Inscription остановлен')
end sub # Inscription
Sub SetObjects()
UO.Print('Выберите сундук-источник с бланками, пустыми мешками и едой: ') UO.Exec('addobject ChestFrom') While UO.Targeting() Wait(100) Wend
UO.Print('Выберите сундук-источник с реагентами: ') UO.Exec('addobject ChestFrom2') While UO.Targeting() Wait(100) Wend
UO.Print('Выберите сундук-приемник: ') UO.Exec('addobject ChestTo') While UO.Targeting() Wait(100) Wend
end sub # SetObjects
Sub CheckLag()
while (uo.ObjAtLayer('Bpack')=='') wait(1000) wend if UO.Waiting() then UO.CancelTarget() endif uo.DeleteJournal() uo.Click('backpack') repeat wait(50) until uo.InJournal('backpack')
end sub # CheckLag
Sub MoveItems(ItemType,ItemColor,ItemQuantity,FromContainer,ToContainer)
var CurrentQuantity, flag=true
CheckLag() uo.SetReceivingContainer(ToContainer)
uo.FindType(ItemType,ItemColor,FromContainer) wait(100) CurrentQuantity=uo.GetQuantity('finditem') ## кол-во предметов в найденной стопке
while (uo.FindCount()>0) and (flag==true) ## если что-то нашли и еще не все нужное переместили CheckLag() if val(ItemQuantity)<=CurrentQuantity then ## если переместить нужно все или меньше, чем в стопке uo.Grab(ItemQuantity,'finditem') ## перемещаем всю стопку или заданное кол-во wait(500) if ItemQuantity=='0' then ## если переместить надо все CheckLag() uo.FindType(ItemType,ItemColor,FromContainer) ## ищем следующую стопку wait(100) CurrentQuantity=uo.GetQuantity('finditem') else ## если уже переместили нужное кол-во - выход из процедуры flag=false endif else ## если переместить нужно не все, но больше, чем в найденной стопке uo.Grab('0','finditem') ## перемещаем всю стопку wait(500) ItemQuantity=str((val(ItemQuantity)-CurrentQuantity),0) ## вычисляем, сколько еще нужно CheckLag() uo.FindType(ItemType,ItemColor,FromContainer) ## ищем следующую стопку wait(100) CurrentQuantity=uo.GetQuantity('finditem') endif wend
repeat uo.DeleteJournal() uo.FindType(FoodType,'-1',uo.GetSerial('backpack')) wait(100) if uo.FindCount()>0 then CheckLag() uo.UseType(FoodType) repeat wait(100) until uo.InJournal('full') or uo.InJournal('stuffed') or uo.InJournal('hungry') or uo.InJournal('satiated') or uo.Dead() wait(1000) else flag=false endif until uo.InJournal('too full') or uo.Dead() or (flag==false)
ReconnectTime='0' rFlag=1 repeat while (uo.ObjAtLayer('Bpack')=='') if rFlag then ReconnectTime=Time() rFlag=0 endif wait(20000) uo.Say('') wait(3000) uo.Say('') wait(3000) uo.Say('') wait(3000) uo.LDblClick(357,164) uo.LClick(616,459) wait(3000) wend
wait(3000) if (rFlag==0) and (ReconnectTime<>'0') then uo.TextOpen() uo.TextPrint(ReconnectTime+' | Потеря связи с сервером, повторное подсоединение') rFlag=1 ReconnectTime='0' endif until false
end sub # Reconnect
Sub Time()
var hh,mm,ss,hms,t=str(uo.Time())
if len(t)<=2 then hh="0" mm="0" ss=t endif
if len(t)==3 then hh="0" mm=left(t,len(t)-2) ss=right(t,len(t)-1) endif
if len(t)==4 then hh="0" mm=left(t,len(t)-2) ss=right(t,len(t)-2) endif
if len(t)==5 then hh=left(t,len(t)-4) hms=left(t,len(t)-2) mm=right(hms,len(hms)-1) ss=right(t,len(t)-3) endif
if len(t)==6 then hh=left(t,len(t)-4) hms=left(t,len(t)-2) mm=right(hms,len(hms)-2) ss=right(t,len(t)-4) endif
return hh+":"+mm+":"+ss
end sub # Time
Sub ToHide() while not uo.Hidden() uo.Print('Пытаемся уйти в хайд...') CheckLag() uo.UseSkill('Hiding') repeat wait(200) until uo.InJournal('have hidden') or uo.InJournal('seem to hide') wait(100) wend end sub # ToHide
Sub ToHeal() var k while uo.Life < (uo.Str-10) CheckLag() uo.BandageSelf() k=0 repeat Wait(100) k=k+1 until UO.InJournal("You put") or UO.InJournal("barely help") or UO.InJournal("don't need") or k>300 wend end sub # ToHeal