VAR sunduk='0x4033BF94'; Where are ingots, bag VAR sundukk='0x40445312'; where necklace will go VAR meshok='0x0E76';type of bag VAR iron='0x1BEF' VAR smeshok VAR Exit=0, LastTimer VAR a=0
sub main()
repeat while not UO.Hidden() UO.UseSkill("Hiding") wait(3000) wend UO.UnSetCatchBag() wait(300) UO.FindType( iron, -1, sunduk ) UO.Grab( Str( 250 ), 'finditem' ) ; если будет айро в конце падать в мешок, увеличить цифру wait(3000) UO.SetCatchBag(sundukk) UO.FindType( meshok, -1, sunduk ) UO.Grab( Str( 1 ), 'finditem' ) wait(2000) smeshok=UO.GetSerial('finditem') a=0 UO.SetCatchBag(smeshok) wait(1000) BS() end sub
sub BS() repeat wait(250) UO.DeleteJournal() LastTimer=UO.Timer() uo.findtype('0x1EBC') UO.WaitMenu('Tinkering','Jewelry','Jewelry','necklace') UO.UseType('0x1EBC') while NOT UO.InJournal("You put") AND NOT UO.InJournal("Tinkering failed") wait(250) wend
wait (250)
if UO.InJournal('You put') then a = a + 1 wait(200) endif If a==1 then ;when get iron Dobor() EndIf UO.DeleteJournal() until a==255 ;how much necklaces will be in 1 bag moveIM() end sub
sub moveIM() UO.Unsetcatchbag() UO.FindType( iron, -1, -1 ) UO.MoveItem( 'finditem', 0, sunduk ) wait(3000) until FALSE end sub
sub Dobor() wait(500) UO.UnSetCatchBag() wait(300) UO.FindType( iron, -1, sunduk ) UO.Grab( Str( 250 ), 'finditem' ) wait(3000) UO.SetCatchBag(smeshok) wait(1000) end sub
sub CheckLag() UO.DeleteJournal() UO.Click('backpack') repeat wait(100) until UO.InJournal('Backpack') end sub