sub Starter() var i=0,j=0,k=0,r=0,q=0,ii,jj var TopX=324,TopY=65 dim PointX[5000], PointY[5000],PointT[5000]
var flag=0,PointCount=0,clicks=0,flag2=0 #BETEP™# uo.Exec("filterspeech on") uo.Exec("filterspeech add 'Where do you want to use the pickaxe?'")
if GetFromFile==1 then uo.Print('Загружаем координаты из файла...') PointCount=safe call f.ReadNumber() for i=1 to PointCount PointT[i]=safe call f.ReadNumber() PointX[i]=safe call f.ReadNumber() PointY[i]=safe call f.ReadNumber() next f.close() else
uo.Print('Выбери Кирку: ') uo.Exec('addobject Pickaxe') while uo.Targeting() wait(100) wend uo.Print('Собираем координаты точек для ловли ...') repeat clicks=0 flag=0 uo.DeleteJournal() uo.UseObject('Pickaxe') waitForTarget() uo.DeleteJournal() WaitForTryRock() if uo.Lasttile(1)==uo.getX() and uo.Lasttile(2)==uo.gety() then flag=3 end if PointCount=PointCount+1 PointX[PointCount]=uo.LastTile(1) PointY[PointCount]=uo.LastTile(2) PointT[PointCount]=uo.LastTile(0) uo.Print('Найдена точка ловли '+str(PointCount)+' : x='+str(uo.Lasttile(1))+' y='+str(uo.LastTile(2))+' '+str(PointCount)) until (Flag==3) or (PointCount==5000) uo.Exec("filterspeech off") uo.Print('Анализ закончен, координаты точек записаны в файл C:\Fish.dat') SaveToFile(PointCount,PointX,PointY,PointT) end if uo.Print('Точек найдено: '+str(PointCount)) wait(2000) while 1==1 if PointCount>0 then for i=1 to PointCount uo.Print('Идем к координате '+str(i)+': x='+str(PointX[i])+' y='+str(PointY[i])) flag=GotoXY(PointX[i],PointY[i]) if flag==1 then if TryHiding==1 then ToHide() end if Fishing() end if next end if wend end sub
sub Options()########################################## Конфиг UO.Say("Добрый день. Вас привествует скрипт настройщик!") wait(3000) UO.Say("Следуйте инструкциям!") wait(3000) UO.Say("Вы должны стоять лицом к сундуку для сброса!") wait(4000)
UO.Say("Укажите Рунбук ") UO.AddObject('RuneB1') While UO.Targeting()==2 wait(500) Wend UO.SaveConfig()
UO.Say("Укажите сундук прицелом") UO.AddObject('Sunduk') While UO.Targeting()==2 wait(500) Wend UO.SaveConfig() UO.Say("Укажите Сумку в сундуке") UO.AddObject('SundukBag') While UO.Targeting()==2 wait(500) Wend UO.SaveConfig()
UO.Say("Укажите сумку для рар рыбы") UO.AddObject('StoreFish') While UO.Targeting()==2 wait(500) Wend UO.SaveConfig()
UO.Say("Укажите сумку для прайз рыбы") UO.AddObject('StorePRFish') While UO.Targeting()==2 wait(500) Wend UO.SaveConfig()
UO.Say("Укажите сумку для Карт") UO.AddObject('StoreMAP') While UO.Targeting()==2 wait(500) Wend UO.SaveConfig()
UO.Say("Настройка закончена. Для изменения параметров запустите скрипт повторно.") end sub
Sub Fishing() var mX, mY, mZ, i, j var f var a=0 ######################################################################### ################### ### Массив рыбы ### ################### dim Fish[6] Fish[0]=0x09CC Fish[1]=0x09CD Fish[2]=0x09CE Fish[3]=0x09CF Fish[4]=0x14EB Fish[5]=0x0DD6 Fish[6]=0x0DD6
Beginning: uo.Set('finddistance','6') mX = uo.getX("self") mY = uo.getY("self") mZ = uo.getZ("self") uo.DeleteJournal() for i = mX-6 to mX+6 for j = mY-6 to mY+6
while not uo.InJournal("You pull") and not uo.InJournal("in water") and not uo.InJournal("no fish") and not uo.InJournal("far away") uo.DeleteJournal() uo.Waittargettile("1341", str(i), str(j), str(mZ)) uo.Usetype('0x0DBF')
while not uo.InJournal("You pull") and not uo.InJournal("location") and not uo.InJournal("no fish") and not uo.InJournal("but fail") and not uo.InJournal("far away") and not uo.InJournal("in water") wait (100) if uo.InJournal("You pull") then
if a>0 then uo.print(STR(a)) end if
if UO.InJournal("You pull out a fish!") then if TakeFish==1 then uo.Print('Собираем рыбу.') for f=0 to 3 uo.FindType(Fish[f],"-1","ground") if uo.Count(Fish[2])> 0 then a= a+1 end if uo.MoveItem("finditem","1","Fishs") wait(200) next end if endif
if UO.InJournal("You pull out a Tattered treasure map!") then if TakeMaps==1 then uo.Print('Собираем карты.') for f=4 to 4 uo.FindType(Fish[f],"-1","ground") uo.MoveItem("finditem","-1","Maps") wait(200) next end if endif
if UO.InJournal("Truly Rare Fish") then if TakeRareFish==1 then uo.Print('Собираем рар рыбу.') for f=5 to 5 uo.FindType(Fish[f],"-1","ground") uo.MoveItem("finditem","-1","RareFish") wait(200) next end if endif
if UO.InJournal("Prize") then if TakePrizeFish==1 then uo.Print('Собираем приз рыбу.') for f=6 to 6 uo.FindType(Fish[f],"-1","ground") uo.MoveItem("finditem","-1","PrizeFish") wait(200) next end if endif
if TryRecall==1 and uo.Weight>=uo.STR*4+20 then ToRecall() end if
end if wend wend uo.DeleteJournal() next next end sub
Sub ToRecall() RecallToHome() Drop() if EatingFood==1 then EatingFood() end if wait(3000) RecallToPoint() end sub
sub RecallToHome() uo.Print('Прыгаем Домой.') RunebookRecall(RuneToHome) end sub
sub RecallToPoint() uo.Print('Прыгаем в Лес.') RunebookRecall(RuneToPoint) end sub
sub ToHide() while not uo.Hidden() uo.Print('Пытаемся уйти в хайд...') uo.DeleteJournal() uo.UseSkill('Stealth') wait(4500) wend wait(100) end sub
Sub WaitForRecall() var Text1=uo.GetName()+": The spell fizzles." var mess='',lastX=uo.getX(),lastY=uo.getY() for var i=0 to 200 mess=uo.Journal(0) if uo.Journal(0)==Text1 then return 0 end if if uo.getX()<>lastX or uo.getY()<>LastY then return 1 end if wait(50) next return 0 end sub
Sub WaitForTryRock() var Text1="That is too far away." var Text2="Try mining in rock." var Text3="There is no ore here to mine." var Text4="You have no line of sight to that location" var Text5="You can't see the target" for var i=0 to 50 if uo.Journal(0)==Text1 or uo.Journal(0)==Text2 or uo.Journal(0)==Text3 or uo.Journal(0)==Text4 or uo.Journal(0)==Text5 then return 1 end if wait(200) next return 0 end sub
Sub WaitForTarget() for var i=0 to 50 if uo.Targeting()==1 then return 1 end if wait(200) next return 0 end sub
Sub WaitForChangeXY(myX,myY,lastX,lastY) for var i=1 to 50 if lastX<>myX or lastY<>myY then return 1 end if wait(200) next return 0 end sub
Sub GotoXY(x,y) var myX,myY,lastX=0,lastY=0,i,halt=0,z,r=0 for i=1 to 60 myX=uo.getX(); myY=uo.getY(); if LastX==myX and LastY==myY then halt=halt+1 else halt=0 end if if halt>=10 then if uo.GetDir()==1 then for z=0 to 8 uo.Press(40) next end if if uo.GetDir()==3 then for z=0 to 8 uo.Press(37) next end if if uo.GetDir()==5 then for z=0 to 8 uo.Press(38) next end if if uo.GetDir()==7 then for z=0 to 8 uo.Press(39) next end if halt=15 end if if Numb(x-myX)<=1 and Numb(y-myY)<=1 then return 1 end if if x<=myX then if y<=myY then for z=0 to 3 uo.Press(38) next else for z=0 to 3 uo.Press(37) next end if else if y<=myY then for z=0 to 3 uo.Press(39) next else for z=0 to 3 uo.Press(40) next end if end if lastX=myX lastY=myY wait(200) next return 0 end sub
Sub Numb(num) if num>=0 then return num else return num*(-1) end if end sub
Sub SaveToFile(PointCount,PointX,PointY,PointT) var f=file("C:\Fish.dat") var s=0,i=0 f.create() s=safe call f.writeln(PointCount) for i=1 to PointCount s=safe call f.writeln(str(PointT[i])+' '+str(PointX[i])+' '+str(PointY[i])) next f.close() end sub
sub Drop() if uo.Waiting() then uo.CancelTarget() end if var Exit var f ;var a=0 dim Fish[7] Fish[0]=0x09CC Fish[1]=0x09CD Fish[2]=0x09CE Fish[3]=0x09CF Fish[4]=0x14EB Fish[5]=0x0DD6 Fish[6]=0x0DD6
repeat for f=0 to 3 uo.FindType(Fish[f],"-1","backpack") uo.SetReceivingContainer('StoreFish') if uo.GetQuantity('finditem')> 0 then repeat wait(130)
uo.FindType(Fish[f],"-1","backpack") uo.Grab('0','finditem') wait(1300) until uo.FindCount()==0 else exit=1 next uo.UnSetReceivingContainer() end if until Exit==1
exit=0 repeat for f=4 to 4 uo.FindType(Fish[f],"-1","backpack") uo.SetReceivingContainer('StoreMAP') if uo.GetQuantity('finditem')> 0 then repeat uo.FindType(Fish[f],"-1","backpack") uo.Grab('0','finditem') wait(1000) until uo.FindCount()==0 else exit=1 next uo.UnSetReceivingContainer() end if until Exit==1
exit=0 repeat for f=5 to 5 uo.FindType(Fish[f],"0x01BB","backpack") uo.SetReceivingContainer('StorePRFish') if uo.GetQuantity('finditem')>0 then repeat uo.FindType(Fish[f],"0x01BB","backpack") uo.Grab('0','finditem') wait(1000) until uo.FindCount()==0 else exit=1 next uo.UnSetReceivingContainer() end if until Exit==1
repeat for f=6 to 6 uo.FindType(Fish[f],"backpack") uo.SetReceivingContainer('StoreFish') ;rar if uo.GetQuantity('finditem')>0 then repeat uo.FindType(Fish[f],"-1","backpack") uo.Grab('0','finditem') wait(1000) until uo.FindCount()==0 else exit=1 next uo.UnSetReceivingContainer() end if until Exit==1 uo.Print("Улов выложен") end sub
Sub RunebookRecall(n) oldX=uo.getX() oldY=uo.getY() repeat uo.Exec('warmode 0') uo.UseObject('Runebook') wait(1000) uo.LClick(135, n*15+55) wait(500) uo.LClick(135, n*15+55) time=uo.Timer() repeat wait(500) until oldX<>uo.getX() or oldY<>uo.getY() or uo.Life==0 or uo.InJournal('needs') or time+200<uo.Timer() uo.DeleteJournal() until oldX<>uo.getX() or oldY<>uo.getY() end sub
Sub Open(Container) uo.DeleteJournal() uo.UseObject(Container) repeat wait(500) until uo.InJournal('Contains') end sub
Sub EatingFood() ToEat() DropFood() end sub
Sub ToEat() uo.SetReceivingContainer('backpack') Open('Sunduk') uo.FindType(TypeFood,'-1','Sunduk') uo.Grab('50','finditem') wait(500) repeat Checklag() uo.UseType(TypeFood) wait(1000) until uo.InJournal('You are simply too full to eat any more!') uo.UnsetReceivingContainer() end sub
Sub DropFood() if uo.Waiting() then uo.CancelTarget() end if var f,Exit dim Food[1] Food[0]=TypeFood uo.SetReceivingContainer('Sunduk') wait(500) for f=0 to 0 Exit=0 repeat uo.FindType(Food[f]) if uo.GetQuantity('finditem')>0 then uo.Grab('0','finditem') wait(1500) else Exit=1 end if until Exit==1 next uo.UnSetReceivingContainer('Sunduk') end sub
Sub RecallAtAttack() var mX,mY reccal: uo.DeleteJournal() if uo.Waiting() then uo.CancelTarget() end if mX=uo.getX("self") mY=uo.getY("self") uo.DeleteJournal() uo.FindType('0x1F14',-1,'mY') uo.Cast('Recall','finditem') uo.Print('Атака! Реколимся!') wait(4000) if not uo.getX("self")<>mX and not uo.getY("self")<>mY then goto reccal end if RecallToHome() Drop() Terminate() end sub
sub Reconnect() var ReconnectTime,rFlag ReconnectTime='0' rFlag=1 repeat while (uo.ObjAtLayer('Bpack')=='') if rFlag then ReconnectTime=MakeTime() rFlag=0 end if wait(20000) uo.Say('') wait(3000) uo.Say('') wait(3000) uo.Say('') wait(3000) uo.LDblClick(357,164) uo.LClick(616,459) wait(3000) wend wait(3000) if (rFlag==0) and (ReconnectTime<>'0') then uo.TextOpen() uo.TextPrint('Disconnected & Reconnected @ '+ReconnectTime) rFlag=1 ReconnectTime='0' end if until false end sub
Sub MakeTime() var d,t,ret,i ret=str(uo.Time()) t="" for i=0 to Len(ret) t=ret[Len(ret)-i]+t if (i==2) or (i==4) then t=":"+t end if next ret=str(uo.Date()) d="" for i=0 to Len(ret) d=ret[Len(ret)-i] + d if (i==2) or (i==4) then d="."+d end if next ret=t+" @ "+d return ret end sub
sub Terminate() uo.Print('Все функции скрипта выключены!') uo.DeleteJournal() uo.Exec('terminate all') wait(100) uo.Exec('terminate all') wait(100) uo.Exec('terminate all') wait(100) end sub
Sub CheckLag() if uo.Waiting()>0 then uo.Exec('canceltarget') end if uo.DeleteJournal() uo.Click('backpack') repeat wait(50) until uo.InJournal('backpack') end sub