VAR chest2 = '0x403A8377' #Основной сундук VAR chest = '0x403A8377' #ID сундука с ингами VAR forge = '0x4020D347' #ID форжи VAR TypeFood = '0x097B' #Тип Еды VAR ing = '0x1BEF' #Тип ингов sub Blacksmith() VAR i, m = 0 DIM cvet[5] cvet[0] = '0x0000' #Iron cvet[1] = '0x0750' #Rusty cvet[2] = '0x0590' #Old Copper cvet[3] = '0x060A' #Dull Copper cvet[4] = '0x0488' #Bronze uo.Exec('terminate Reconnector') wait(1000) uo.Exec('exec Reconnector') wait(1000) uo.useobject('backpack') wait(1000) UO.CancelMenu() wait(200) UO.UseObject(chest2) wait(1000) UO.UseObject(chest) wait(1000) while not UO.Dead() for i = 0 to 4 MenuColor(i) wait(2000) UO.FindType(ing, cvet[i], chest) While UO.GetQuantity('finditem') > 10 ChekLag() UO.Grab('50', 'finditem') wait(2000) EatingFood() ChekLag() Blacksmithy(cvet[i], forge) wait(500) EatingFood() wait(500) cheklag() UO.FindType(ing, cvet[i], chest) wend next #UO.asmLogAdd('smelt.log', 'Ковка закончена ' + str(UO.asmGetDate('dd/mm/yy')) + ' в ' + str(UO.asmGetTime('hh:nn:ss'))) wait(100) UO.Exec('terminate Blacksmith') wend #UO.asmLogAdd('smelt.log', 'Ковка закончена, тебя убили ' + str(UO.asmGetDate('dd/mm/yy')) + ' в ' + str(UO.asmGetTime('hh:nn:ss'))) wait(100) UO.Exec('terminate Blacksmith') endsub Sub MenuColor(num) If num == 0 then uo.cancelmenu() UO.AutoMenu('Blacksmithing','Weapons') UO.AutoMenu('Weapons','Swords & Blades') UO.AutoMenu('Swords & Blades','dagger') wait(500) else uo.cancelmenu() UO.AutoMenu('Blacksmithing','Colored Armor & Weapons') UO.AutoMenu('Colored Armor & Weapons','Weapons') UO.AutoMenu('Weapons','Swords & Blades') UO.AutoMenu('Swords & Blades','Dagger') wait(500) end if end sub Sub Blacksmithy(ccvet, fforge) VAR Exit=0, LastTimer VAR skil UO.FindType('0x1BEF', ccvet, 'backpack') If UO.GetQuantity('finditem') >= 10 then repeat UO.DeleteJournal() LastTimer=UO.Timer() wait(500) ChekLag() ToHide() UO.UseObject('finditem') ;Инги айрона while NOT UO.InJournal("You put") AND NOT UO.InJournal("You have failed") wait(100) wend wait(500) If UO.InJournal("You have failed") then repeat wait(100) until UO.Timer()>=LastTimer+100 ;Время создания дагера EndIf If UO.InJournal('You put') then UO.FindType('0x0F51','-1','backpack') #Ищем Дагер #UO.FindType('0x1B73',-1,'backpack') ## ищем щит #UO.FindType('0x13E3',-1,'backpack') ##Хаммер #UO.FindType('0x13FE','-1','backpack') #Ищем Катану #UO.FindType('0x1404','-1','backpack') #Ищем Вилку If UO.FindCount() > 0 then repeat wait(500) UO.WaitTargetObject('finditem') wait(1000) UO.UseObject(fforge) ; Форж wait(2000) repeat wait(100) until UO.InJournal('You put') or UO.InJournal('It is consumed') UO.DeleteJournal() UO.FindType('0x0F51','-1','backpack') #Ищем Дагер #UO.FindType('0x1B73',-1,'backpack') ## ищем щит #UO.FindType('0x13E3',-1,'backpack') ##Хаммер #UO.FindType('0x13FE','-1','backpack') #Ищем Катану #UO.FindType('0x1404','-1','backpack') #Ищем Вилку until not UO.FindCount() else wait(50) endif endif UO.FindType('0x1BEF', ccvet, 'backpack') wait(1000) until UO.GetQuantity('finditem') < 10 endif end sub Sub EatingFood() var Time,Space Time=Time() Space=' ' MovingItems(TypeFood,'-1',20,1) repeat ChekLag() uo.UseType(TypeFood) while not uo.InJournal('full') and not uo.InJournal('stuffed') and not uo.InJournal('hungry') and not uo.InJournal('satiated') and not uo.Dead() wait(100) wend until uo.InJournal('too full') or uo.Dead() MovingItems(TypeFood,'-1',-1,0) end sub Sub MovingItems(tItem,cItem,qItem,FromBackPack) var idResivCont var idSendCont if FromBackPack==1 then idResivCont=uo.GetSerial('backpack') idSendCont=chest else idSendCont=uo.GetSerial('backpack') idResivCont=chest end if ChekLag() uo.FindType(tItem,cItem,idSendCont) while uo.GetQuantity('finditem')>0 uo.MoveItem('finditem',qItem,idResivCont) wait(1000) ChekLag() if qItem>0 then return end if uo.FindType(tItem,cItem,idSendCont) wend end sub Sub Time() var hh,mm,ss,hms,t=str(uo.Time()) if len(t)<=2 then hh="0" mm="0" ss=t endif if len(t)==3 then hh="0" mm=left(t,len(t)-2) ss=right(t,len(t)-1) endif if len(t)==4 then hh="0" mm=left(t,len(t)-2) ss=right(t,len(t)-2) endif if len(t)==5 then hh=left(t,len(t)-4) hms=left(t,len(t)-2) mm=right(hms,len(hms)-1) ss=right(t,len(t)-3) endif if len(t)==6 then hh=left(t,len(t)-4) hms=left(t,len(t)-2) mm=right(hms,len(hms)-2) ss=right(t,len(t)-4) endif return hh+":"+mm+":"+ss end sub Sub ToHide() while not uo.hidden() uo.exec("warmode 0") uo.DeleteJournal() uo.useskill("Hiding") repeat wait(10) until uo.InJournal("You have hidden yourself well") or uo.InJournal("You can't seem to hide here.") or uo.InJournal("You are preoccupied with thoughts of battle.") if uo.InJournal("You are preoccupied with thoughts of battle.") then uo.exec("warmode 0") end if wend end sub Sub ChekLag() if uo.Waiting()>0 then uo.Exec('canceltarget') end if uo.DeleteJournal() uo.Click('backpack') repeat wait(50) until uo.InJournal('backpack') end sub Sub Reconnector() var ReconnectTime, RFlag ReconnectTime = '0' RFlag = 1 Repeat While (uo.ObjAtLayer('Bpack') == '') if RFlag Then ReconnectTime = MakeTime() RFlag = 0 endif Wait(70000) # WorldSave Protection uo.Say('') Wait(5000) uo.Say('') Wait(5000) uo.Say('') Wait(5000) uo.LDblClick(357,164) uo.LClick(616,459) Wait(5000) WEnd Wait(3000) if (RFlag == 0) and (ReconnectTime <> '0') Then uo.TextOpen() uo.TextPrint('Disconnected & Reconnected @ '+ReconnectTime) uo.useobject('self') wait(2000) uo.useobject('backpack') wait(2000) uo.Exec('terminate Blacksmith') wait(5000) uo.Exec('exec Blacksmith') wait(5000) RFlag = 1 ReconnectTime = '0' endif Until false end sub Sub MakeTime() VAR D, T, Ret, i Ret = STR(uo.Time()) T = "" For i = 0 To Len(Ret) T = Ret[Len(Ret)-i] + T If (I == 2) OR (I == 4) Then T = ":" + T EndIf Next Ret = STR(uo.Date()) D = "" For i = 0 To Len(Ret) D = Ret[Len(Ret)-i] + D If (I == 2) OR (I == 4) Then D = "." + D EndIf Next Ret = T + " @ " + D RETURN Ret end sub Sub ToHide() while not uo.hidden() uo.exec("warmode 0") uo.DeleteJournal() uo.useskill("Hiding") repeat wait(10) until uo.InJournal("You have hidden yourself well") or uo.InJournal("You can't seem to hide here.") or uo.InJournal("You are preoccupied with thoughts of battle.") if uo.InJournal("You are preoccupied with thoughts of battle.") then uo.exec("warmode 0") end if wend end sub