sub mining() var mx, my, mz, i, j var ismining, ixx, isheavy mx = UO.GetX("self") my = UO.GetY("self") mz = UO.GetZ("self") UO.DeleteJournal() for i = mx-4 to mx+4 for j = my -4 to my+4 UO.Print("Now Mining In: "+str(mx-i)+" "+str(my-j)) ismining = 1 while not UO.InJournal("no ore here") and not UO.InJournal("location") and not UO.InJournal("You too far from") and not UO.InJournal("in rock") and not UO.InJournal("mining elsewhere.") and not UO.InJournal("far away") and not UO.InJournal("far awey") and not UO.InJournal("in rock") and not UO.InJournal("There is") and not UO.InJournal("You can't") and ismining UO.DeleteJournal() UO.Waittargettile("1341", str(i), str(j), str(mz)) UO.Usetype('0x0E85') ixx = 0 ismining=1 while not UO.InJournal("You put") AND NOT UO.InJournal("You low") and not UO.InJournal("You too far") and not UO.InJournal("There is no ore") and not UO.InJournal("Low skill") and not UO.InJournal("location") and not UO.InJournal("in rock") and not UO.InJournal("no ore") and not UO.InJournal("but fail") and not UO.InJournal("far away") and not UO.InJournal("far awey") and not UO.InJournal("no ore") and not UO.InJournal("in rock") and not UO.InJournal("There is") and not UO.InJournal("You can't") and ixx <= 100 wait (100) ixx = ixx + 1 wend if not ismining then uo.print("Not mining here") endif wend UO.DeleteJournal() next next goto allstop UO.Cast('Recall',"0x402797C1") return endif uo.print("*** Script ended ***") end sub sub healing() UO.SetArm('CWeapon') UO.Exec("bandageself") wait(500) UO.Arm('CWeapon') end sub sub plavka() ;uo.moveitem('sumkap.ruda','1') ;wait(500) while UO.Count('0x19b7')> '0' UO.DeleteJournal() uo.moveitem('sumkap.ruda','1') while NOT UO.Count('0x19b7')> 0 wait(50) wend UO.UseType('0x19b7') UO.UseType('0x19b8') while NOT UO.InJournal("You put") AND NOT UO.InJournal("You fail")AND NOT UO.InJournal("*You smelt") wait(50) wend ; wait(600) ;uo.moveitem('sumkap.ruda','1') ;wait(200) wend end sub sub hiding() var x while>0 UO.DeleteJournal() uo.useskill('Hiding') while NOT UO.InJournal("You have") AND NOT UO.InJournal("You can't") wait(50) wend ;if UO.InJournal("You have") then wait(4000) ;uo.useskill('Stealth') ;while NOT UO.InJournal("You have") AND NOT UO.InJournal("You can't") ; wait(50) wend ;end if if uo.str> then sat("guards") end if wend end sub sub BS() VAR Exit=0, LastTimer while Exit<>1 UO.FindType('0x1BEF','0x0000','0x40050DA9') If UO.GetQuantity('finditem')<10 then UO.FindType('0x1BEF','0x0000','0x40203247') ;serial sunduka s iron UO.Grab('3','finditem') wait(300) Endif UO.DeleteJournal() LastTimer=UO.Timer() UO.WaitMenu('Blacksmithing','Weapons','Weapons','Swords','Swords','dagger') UO.UseType(0x1BEF) ; iron ings while NOT UO.InJournal("You put") and not UO.InJournal("You low") AND NOT UO.InJournal("You have failed") wait(500) wend If UO.InJournal("You have failed") then repeat wait(100) until UO.Timer()>=LastTimer+100 ;time to make a dagger EndIf UO.FindType('0x0F51',-1,'0x400B232E') ; dagger wait(300) If UO.GetQuantity('finditem') then UO.WaitTargetObject('finditem') UO.UseObject(0x40009552) ;forge Endif wait(700) wend end sub sub SmeltIron() VAR SourceContainer='iron' VAR Exit=0 UO.SetCatchBag(SourceContainer) While Exit<>1 UO.FindType('0x19B9',-1,SourceContainer) If UO.GetQuantity('finditem')>0 Then UO.MoveItem('finditem','1','ground') wait(300) UO.UseObject('finditem') wait(300) UO.FindType('0x1BEF',-1,'ground') wait(300) UO.MoveItem('finditem','1',SourceContainer) Else Exit=1 Endif Wend UO.UnSetCatchBag()