sub Veterinary() var i var PickAxe='0x401E70C1' var HumanType='0x0190' var DaemonType='0x0009' while not uo.Dead() while uo.GetGraphic('self')==HumanType uo.DisArm() wait(500) uo.Print('>Trying to polymorph...') uo.Exec('waitmenu 'What do you' 'Daemon') uo.Cast('Polymorph') wait(7500) uo.UseSkill('Meditation') wait(500) wend SpiritSpeak() while (uo.Life>uo.STR) wait(100) wend uo.Bandageself() wait(500) uo.UseObject(PickAxe) uo.DeleteJournal() i=0 repeat wait(500) i=i+1 until uo.InJournal('You apply the bandages, but') or uo.InJournal('You put the bloody') or (i>10) while uo.Count('0x0E21')<10 uo.Print('>Not enough clear bandages.') uo.WaitTargetType('0x1008') uo.UseType('0x0E20') wait(1000) wend wend end sub sub SpiritSpeak() var T1 var T2 T1=uo.Timer() T2=uo.GetGlobal('spirittimer') if abs(T1-val(T2))>600 then uo.SetGlobal('spirittimer',str(T1)) uo.Print('>Spirit Speak.') uo.UseSkill('Spirit Speak') wait(3000) end if end sub sub abs(x) if x>0 then return x else return -x end if end sub